Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Namaste ... The year 2013 has been a challenging time for me.   A new year is now beginning ... a new moment in which, traditionally, many people are consciously guiding their lives in a positive direction.  You know ... a New Year's resolution.   For example:  I am going to laugh more.

I am looking toward the Dalai Lama.  He is a laugher and advocate of happiness.

I came across some words of an early Tibetan Buddhist teacher, Longchenpa (1308-1364).  

Since everything is but an illusion,
Perfect in being what it is,
Having nothing to do with good or bad,
Acceptance or rejection,
One might as well burst out laughing!

This could be another positive thought for the new year 
                  .... to look more humorously at life.

Thank you for joining me on the pathway to awareness.