Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Namaste to All ... I have been meditating on and contemplating the Oneness of all Things ... and realizing I am having a problem these days.  Again, it is about duality.  When all is beautiful, my energy is easily flowing with the Oneness of All.  

When I am confronted with anger, hatefulness, a lack of respect for Mother Earth or some other ignorance as defined by Buddhism, the feelings of oneness are illusive and harder to grasp.  It is taking more practice to feel love and oneness with someone who doesn't hold similiar values as myself. 

In asking for help, Kuan Yin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, comes to my heart.  Here is a lovely Asian depiction of her ...


                       "Be like Kuan Yin" is my new mantra.  

                  Love everyone as if they were my own child.  

      Thank you for being here and joining me in our Awakening!