With palms together, I am bowing ...
In my continuing effort toward growth in awareness and getting "unstuck" from certain mind thoughts, my seeking goes on. I have been reading the works of Terrence McKenna, the philosopher, author, lecturer and ethnobotanist. I had an "aha" moment when his following quote crossed the page.
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Terrence McKenna (1946-2000) |
You make the commitment
and nature will respond
to that commitment
by removing impossible obstacles.
Dream the
impossible dream
and the world will not grind you under,
it will lift
you up.
This is the trick.
This is what all these teachers and philosophers
who really counted,
who really touched the alchemical gold,
this is what they understood.
This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall.
This is what all these teachers and philosophers
who really counted,
who really touched the alchemical gold,
this is what they understood.
This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall.
This is how magic is done.
By hurling yourself into the abyss
and discovering its a feather bed.”
– Terence McKenna
– Terence McKenna
To me, the metaphors ... hurling into the abyss and leaping from the 100 foot pole ... from my last post, sound so very similar. Remember, these are just figures of speech and symbolize in their context, I believe, the abstract concept of that place of oneness and fearlessness.
While Buddhist Suzuki Roshi talks of the nature of mind and meditation practice, McKenna would discuss the primordial mind, shamanism and visionary drugs. These two men present different pathways to reach the recesses of the mind to lift one to that place of awareness, to that place of clear seeing.
Just a bit of info that I would like to pass along ... Some of you know there has been a renaissance of medical research and study of visionary/psychedelic drugs as treatment for those dealing with post-traumatic stress, depression and anxiety due to emotional and physical ailments.
The studies are finding new depths of significance for people who are out of balance in body, mind and/or spirit. They have found that using psychedelics in controlled therapy can open the door of the mind to a different perception allowing for suppressed thoughts and feelings to reveal themselves. And to make way for confrontation and potential healing.
This reminds me of these famous words of the poet and artist William Blake (1757-1827):
"If the doors of perception were cleansed every
thing would appear as it is Infinite. For man has
closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow
chinks of his cavern."
In passing along this information, I am not advocating or recommending anything ... just passing along my thoughts, actually. Always! Always! Always! Look deeply into everything for yourself.
Thank you for being here on this pathway
to awareness with me!