Sunday, April 14, 2013

Namaste to you ... These days personal healing has taken over my mind.  I go in all different directions ... meditation, visualation, herbs, healers ... this healing journey has been a long one. 

I came across this quote by Mooji.  Do you know him?  There is lots of information about this guru on the internet ... 


The words of Mooji ...
                     "Leave your existence to existence, 
                       stop caring for yourself so much 
                       and let the universe care for you;
                                it is the best mother.
                         There has to be some trust, 

                not just belief, because trust is intimate...
                   something lets go to this invitation to 

                           stop holding yourself and 
                          let’s go to existence instead.
                           The very letting go will be 

                          observed in your presence."

Yes, this is like jumping from the Zen one-hundred-foot pole.  

Thank you to Mooji for coming into my Awareness.  And thank you for being here!  We are all children of the Universe.