Welcome to my personal peace project that is open to everyone! In this space of our beautiful planet, I am practicing to live every moment with the energy of mindfulness -- to remember to look deeply into all things. May every thought, action, all arts and crafts, every spoken and written word be stepping stones toward peace. Would you care to join me?
Thursday, February 14, 2019
“Everything in nature contains all the power of nature.
Everything is made of one hidden stuff.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Look deep into nature,
and then you will understand everything better."
Albert Einstein
A loose version of this presentation was given at the Castle
in Echo Park on February 17, 2019, with a short ritual
of harmonizing the relationship between ourselves and the environment.
In times gone by, indigenous people around the planet had an intimate relationship with nature. They were mindful and looked deeply toward the sky, watched the wind, built fires, carried water, and planted in the earth. These rituals of everyday life were a very important part of survival and put them in direct contact with the five elements.
Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth — are thought to be the substance from which all things and processes arise. Now, because of the stress of our planet and its people, more and more of us are turning to that ancient wisdom that considers the five elements.
There is nothing that is not composed of these five aspects of energy. Being born of the elements, we are not separate from our natural environment. We can identify the big wide open space we live in with the Space element, our breath with Air, our metabolic interactions with Fire, our blood with the Water element, and our bodies with the Earth element.
These elements keep breaking down into more subtle features. There is a manifestation of the elemental energies in our emotions. Remember how you feel in nature — open, wild and free, connected, passionate, flowing, grounded. These are same positive emotions that correlate with the five elements. This is when we can say we are in our element!
When we say we are out of our element, we are out of balance. Think back to our own personalities and see the imbalance — for example, being too spacey or airy fairy or fiery with anger or with too much water, wishy-washy and indecisive. The obstinate, stuck person may have too much of the earth element.
And our precious planet works with her imbalances also — polluted waters and sky — soil that has been abused with chemicals. As you know, there are many ways in which we can help her. Awareness and ritual even casual ritual is contagious.
Tonight I will introduce you to a shamanic practice that is basically Tibetan with a mix of the pagan me. Working with the elements will bring them closer to our lives. I do something of this sort everyday and I feel I have a more intimate relationship with nature. It is putting me more in balance along with an awareness in most moments.
To start, we will put together an altar for balance and healing of our internal elements with the external elements. When there is balance, healing occurs and all things are possible. I have gathered the pieces that symbolize the elements — stones for the Earth, shells for water, a candle for the fire element, and the sound of the bell for air. You could use a feather, a bird pic or statue. Be imaginative! In the center, we have created a vortex symbolizing the space element. This is the spot for an offering tray.
In this tray, you can place some same personal items that you love and a card stating your intentions. Tonight for this gathering, we will ask that the performers and everyone else to be filled with confident and creativity. May we find the pathway within that will lead us to our limitless creative uniqueness. And let’s add — May all beings be filled with creativity and love.
At this point let us begin the ritual and to invite the energy of each element to this gathering. If you don’t resonate with this energetic-type work, I ask that you shift into your playful inner child for a bit and just use your imagination. Now I will light the candle and ring the bell. We will take a moment and do three slow breaths. Breathing in … filling with the energy of the universe and breathing out … letting go of all contractions … Feel your heart expanding with openness and love. And our precious planet works with her imbalance also — polluted water and sky — soil that has been abused with chemicals. We can help her.
Tonight I will introduce you to a shamanistic practice that is basically Tibetan with a mix of the pagan me. I do something of this sort everyday and it’s brought me a more intimate relationship with nature. And I feel good the I am working with our environment.
Tonight we will put together an altar for balance and healing of our internal elements with the external elements. When there is balance, healing occurs and all things are possible. I have gathered the pieces that symbolize the elements — stones for the Earth, shells for water, a candle for the fire element, and the sound of the bell for air. You could use a feather, a bird pic or statue. Be imaginative! In the center, we have created a vortex symbolizing the space element. This is the spot for an offering tray.
In this tray, you can place some same personal items that you love and a card stating your intentions. Tonight for this gathering, we will ask that the performers and everyone else to be filled with confident and creativity. May we find the pathway within that will lead us to our limitless creative uniqueness. And let’s add — May all beings be filled with creativity and love.
At this point let us begin the ritual and invite the energy of each element to this gathering. If you don’t resonate with this energetic-type work, I ask that you shift into your playful inner child for a bit and just use your imagination. Now I will light the candle and ring the bell. We will take a moment and do three slow breaths. Breathing in … filling with the energy of the universe and breathing out … letting go of all contractions … Feel your heart expanding with openness and love.
First a chanting of the seed syllables mantras that name the five
elements while doing a hand mudra that rejuvenates and balances them.
A Yam Ram Mam Kham -- A Yam Ram Mam Kham -- A Yam Ram Mam Kham
1) Beautiful energy of SPACE you are here! Everything exists into space and dissolves into space. Thank you for the openness of thought you offer. We know there is room for everything and anything.
2) Sacred AIR that we breathe! We invite your energy into this circle. We are flexible and always accept different aspects of an experience. We know that it is air that connects everything — here and now, we follow our breath and can be everywhere! Thank you!
3) O’ warm energy of Fire! We feel your presence tonight. Thank you for the passion of inspiration and creativity that you bring us.
4) We now invite the powerful energy of Water to join us. With your constant flowing and cleansing movement, we are so open to change. Thank you for glimpses of mirror-like wisdom showing the way of love and compassion.
5) Energy of our precious Earth, we invite you to our circle. We feel your energy beneath our feet. We are so grounded and stable. We are filled with mental calmness in all situations. Thank you!
Chant the mantra of the combined elements again while doing the mudra:
A Yam Ram Mam Kham — A Yam Ram Mam Kham — A Yam Ram Mam Kham
I do something of this sort everyday and it’s brought me a more intimate relationship with nature. You can design your own ritual. And don’t forget that you walk around everyday in all the elements. Just be mindful of them … looking at the sky, watching a tree blow in the wind, feeling the sun on your face, taking a shower, walking, looking at a tree … bring it all within. Your practice can be endless and this mindfulness will bring balance.
More information about the elements:
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