Saturday, October 27, 2012

Namaste ... I awoke up this morning thinking of the healing power of meditation.  With the thought of Stanford University doing testing on meditating monks and seeing definite neurological changes during the meditation process,  I was wondering if meditation could be prescribed for ones who are overwhelmed with the ups and downs of life --- and those diagnosed with depression and anxiety.  I want to think so.  

I went on to find a meditation teaching from Swami Rajneesh also know as Osho. 

Swami Rajneesh

                   Here is some meditation wisdom from Swami:

"Meditation simply means a discipline 
that makes you capable of being aloof 
and detached from your mind. 
So even if the mind is sick, 
your consciousness is never sick. 
Even if your mind is going crazy, 
you are just witnessing it. 
 Mind is only a machine. You are not. 
Meditation is the experience: 
"I am not my body, not my mind -- 
I am the witness of it all." 
This experience, this transcendental experience, 
immensely transforms the whole situation. 
Many things which were driving you crazy 
simply drop away."

Thank you for joining me on this pathway 
of witnessing ourselves.
Meditation is good medicine!