Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy Sun Day and Namaste to YOU where ever you are ... I  brought to this page, a clay piece I have just completed.   It was inspired by my love for the the ocean and the similarities that we share.  She is embellished with shells, turquoise beads, and a special glass bead hand blown by a special sister.  Presenting ...

                                          BuddhaFace 85
     I AM …  the Ocean … Upon my surface there is 
swirling movement and sound, but within my depths, 
I know I can find silence, stillness ...  
and the oneness of it all. 

Please take a look at my Gallery Page.
I would be so honored for you to see my art.  
Thank you for joining me on this pathway! 
Namaste ... In celebration of this day, we gathered at the beach this evening to embrace the magic.   It brought to my mind, again, these wise words from the Buddha:

“Three things cannot be long hidden: 
the sun, the moon, and the truth."

And I wanted to share these beautiful photos of the changing of the light as seen from our island of Kauai ...

In the western sky, the Sun is setting!

And in the East,  we see the rising Moon!

The Harvest Moon 2012 in all her 
magnificence! Thank you!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Namaste ... This picture came into my awareness and I wanted to share it along with this little Zen story that can lead to big questioning ...

                   A student once asked his teacher, 
                  "Master, what is enlightenment?"

             The master replied, "When hungry, eat. 

                                When tired, sleep."

What do you think this means? 
To know yourself and do what needs to be done?  
Enlightenment is a simple endeavor? 
You choose what your enlightenment is? 
Or is enlightenment right here with us in the 
here and now?

Will you join me in pondering?
  "What is enlightenment?"
                                    Thank you for being here.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Namaste ... I am honoring balance on this day of the Autumnal Equinox.   This is the time of equality between night and day ... light and dark ... and perhaps, when looking at the big picture, it may be a time of special energy for us.   It seems to me that on this day, a stillpoint may be easily found.   

Thank you to the unknown artist

Let us bring in the energy of this day!  Will you do the Dance of Balance with me today in celebration of our existence and for our MOTHERS who gave us life?  Perhaps, our births were even at a particular time and place to enable us to participate in the delicate balance of all things.

In gratitude for the balance 
and for the yin and yang of it!

  Thank you for being here!  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Namaste ... I am bowing with palms together ... I have been contemplating life.  And I must say that words like transformation, dancing, celebration, universe, cycles of life keep reappearing.  In this reverie, Shiva, the cosmic dancer,  is there with me.   

Some have said that Buddhism is a refined Hinduism.  Can you see that delicate balance and overlapping of ideas?  The Buddha was a rebel Hindu who took and nurtured a very vital aspect of Indian life ... that of going within to see I am That!

                  This day is in honor of the Buddha within and
                                    our Cosmic Dance ...

Painting by Tania Sen ... Thank you 

              Here is a quote from Osho that is quite fitting today:

A buddha is celebration, 
a buddha is a festival, 
an ongoing festivity, 
a dance that goes on and on, 
that knows no ending, 
a song that continues forever. 

Thank you for being here on the pathway with me.  
I hope that I am making some sense.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Namaste ... With every step on this pathway, I look to the ways of understanding my part in the scheme of things ... mirror mirror

Painting by Raja Ravi Varma

Here is another Zen story that brought a smile to me.  One of these days, I will "just know" these things in every moment ...

   There was once a monk who would carry 
a mirror where ever he went.  A priest noticed 
this one day and thought to himself,
 "This monk must be so preoccupied with the way 
he looks that he has to carry that mirror all the time.  
He should not worry about the way he looks on the 
outside, it's what's inside that counts."  

So the priest went up to the monk and asked,
 "Why do you always carry that mirror?" thinking 
for sure this would prove his guilt.  
The monk pulled the mirror from his bag 
and pointed it at the priest.  Then he said,
 "I use it in times of trouble.  I look into it and 
it shows me the source of my problems as well 
as the solution to my problems."

Thank you for being here and joining me
in our awakening! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Namaste to you ... Yes, I bow to your divinity ... Yes, my heart loves your heart ... Yes, let us meet where we are One ...
                  Namaste from the Peace Garden in Hanapepe
Painting by my friend, Anna Raimondi

I have been looking at all of my seeking on the pathway of life to realize the truth of me ... traveling, workshops, listening to the wisdom words of our teachers and more.  The yearning has been great to find the answers to life.  I am thankful for all that I have learned.  

Now I sit upon this rock in the middle of a big pond and know that I have realized a new simplicity of thought ... there is no other place to go.   Zen Master Hakuin captures this idea in these two lines:

"This very land is the pure lotus land,
 This very body is the body of Buddha!"

Thank you for being here and 
joining me in our awakening!