Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Today is my birthday...wowwww...life... I have been spending special moments sending healing to my mother who passed about 6 years ago... life was a fearful experience for her...oh, of course, moments of happiness touched her... but during the time I was with her from my conception until the time she passed on, I believe her to be dealing with uncertainties, fear, helplessness.

I had this thought yesterday about sending her healing energy...using all of my wisdom to go back to her when she was with child-iris...sending her love...love says about all of it.  Then I remembered a dream that my sister had.   She said that Mom said in this dream that iris had healed her. 

At this time...this moment in my life...I can see the connection with my thought today of sending healing love to my Mom during my birth time and with what my Mom said to my sister in the dream.  I had always thought about how I had healed my Mom? And I didn't see it...mostly, we were not on the same page.  I always had the feeling that she loved me but we didn't connect...she thought I was out there...and I was... and the love wasn't the way I wanted to be loved....whatever that means...

So now I look at this all...I wonder if the healing that I am sending to my Mom right now is healing her...the Mom of 65 years ago... (and I must admit that I need to include my Dad in this healing) could it have changed her/his life...would the fear be replaced with love and connection...and will this have an impact on me in this moment....will their healing of her 65 years ago...the healing that I am intentionally sending to them... can this healing take place there in the past...and how would all of that be able to affect my life...my whole life...and my sisters lives also.  This is big...

My wisdom tells me yes...living, dying, dreaming, time, space, worlds, universes... they are all the same...all moving energy...how can we differentiate any of it?... So I will go with Mom and Dad's healing.  They are healed...I AM...healed...ALL are healed.  thank you thank you thank you

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