Saturday, February 1, 2014

Namaste ... and Happy February ... I am continuing to meditate upon the river of life and work to remain with an impartial and humorous eye when watching the ups and downs of my life.


A Taoist story tells of an old man who accidentally fell into the river rapids leading to a high and dangerous waterfall. Onlookers feared for his life. Miraculously, he came out alive and unharmed downstream at the bottom of the falls. People asked him how he managed to survive.
"I accommodated myself to the water, not the water to me. Without thinking, I allowed myself to be shaped by it. Plunging into the swirl, I came out with the swirl. This is how I survived."

I follow my breath ... in and out ... in and out ... and in that calmness, I can bring me back to the moment.  Let me watch "me" with love and compassion.  Let me see and feel the oneness of all things.  Yes, I say to going with the flow of life. 

Thank you for joining me on the pathway toward awareness.